Effective Study Skills and Time Management
Each year, some students struggle to implement the study and time management skills necessary to perform well in the academically rigorous environment at LUMS. It is important to remember that all students are talented and capable, but university is not like high school. Classes and assignments are structured differently. Expectations of professors are beyond those of high school teachers. And you have a greater degree of personal freedom and responsibility.
Self-discipline is instrumental to success. Students need to prioritize work and schedule study time. Gathering syllabi, making schedules, and avoiding unnecessary distractions are vital tasks. Students should consider the best time of day and location to study. Students are also encouraged to be realistic about their time constraints. A balanced schedule of academics, extracurricular activities, and personal well-being that leaves room for the unexpected is the goal. It is critical to know the available resources for academic assistance and use them at the first sign of difficulty. OUSA helps students to learn time management techniques and provide them with time management worksheet.
Check out the below resources to help you be successful!
- Academic Assistance
- Effective Study Skills and Time Management
- Tracking your Time: Weekly Schedule Worksheet