Accounting and Finance (ACF)

Accounting and Finance (ACF)

Each semester is of 16 teaching weeks” Policy as per the student handbook: “The Academic Year at LUMS comprises of two regular semesters, the Fall and the Spring semesters. Each regular semester is of 16 weeks. A class scheduled twice a week has 30 sessions in the semester, 15 class sessions for each weekday. Faculty is required to take at least 28 sessions, including midterm examinations. Two extra sessions can be utilized for regular/review classes (as needed). Graded instruments cannot be taken in these sessions. One week of final examinations follows. The Fall semester begins at the end of August and lasts till late December, while the Spring semester is from mid-January till late May.

The Programme has the following key learning objectives: 

  • Provide students with the theoretical knowledge, analytical tools and understanding of the current practices to handle a variety of accounting and finance functions
  • Prepare students with knowledge and hands-on experience to capture accounting transactions, events and conditions and to report them in accordance with the applicable frameworks to internal and external users for decision making and be able to use such information for decision making
  • Develop students understanding of financial theory and practice as it relates to financing and allocation of resources among competing opportunities with the aim of creating value
  • Develop students’ intellectual capacity to engage in critical thinking, problem-solving and reasoning, enabling them to deal with complex business issues by integrating theory with practice
  • Develop understanding of the legal, social, political, economic, and technological environments
  • Provide students with opportunities to hone personal and interpersonal skills including effective communication to enable them to develop as independent, confident and reflective individuals who are capable of taking initiative, working in and leading teams
  • Develop students who can appreciate the importance of sustainable and ethical practices and their role as socially responsible individuals within the local as well as global community       

Academic Year

The academic year comprises two regular semesters,

  • Fall Semester
  • Spring Semester 

Each semester is of fourteen (14) teaching week’s duration with 5 days per week ensuring 70 days of academic activity per semester excluding gazetted holidays and final exams. The fall semester begins in mid-August and lasts through late December, while the spring semester is from mid-January through late May.