Academic Planning & Course Selection

Academic Planning & Course Selection

OUSA recommends you to chalk out a four-year plan, and modify it frequently. You can use Semester Planner for this (available on the website). You might think this would be easy once you choose your major but it's harder than you might think to put such a plan together and in these cases academic advisor will do the best to accommodate you.

As you work on your course plan, keep in mind that your plan will probably change a bit semester to semester as different courses become available, as your interests evolve, as you participate in experiential learning, as you add a minor, etc. Read through the information in the Undergraduate Student Handbook about the major you are considering and make lists of the courses you'll need to take. The course outlines are available in the department and will help you determine the necessary prerequisites and sequencing of courses.

To get the updated course outlines, please visit the RO Website