Academic Advisement

Academic Advisement

  • Academic advisement is a relationship between advisor and student to support the student's educational and career success. Academic advisor provides guidance on academic policies and regulations, decision making rearding course selection and refer to resources available on campus offering academic and personal support.

  • During the first semester, students develop a four year plan based on template provided as per their proposed major. The plan includes specific course requirements to be completed within a specific period of time. Four year plans must be approved by the academic advisor in order to enroll for subsequent semesters.
  • Students are required to complete the benchmark courses in their major in order to progress to graduation. Outlined in each four year plan for both ACF & MGS, major core courses guide students in a step by step process to degree completion and demonstrate satisfactory progress in the major. OUSA conduct regular reviews of students’ progress, and those students who are in danger of falling behind benchmarks (warning or probation) will be required to work with the academic advisor to develop a plan to get back on track. Students who do not make progress may be required to select a new major in which they can be successful.
  • Students placed on probation are required to consult the academic advisor prior to the beginning of a new semester but no later than the end of the schedule adjustment period. Students will not be allowed to add or drop courses, or to register. Many students change their majors over the course of their academic career. When doing so, students must first complete and have approved a new four year plan.
  • It is recommended that all students seek advising assistance prior to course enrollment. Students should also consult with the academic advisor as circumstances change and four year plans need to be updated. OUSA schedules individual advising sessions on appointment basis prior to enrollment for next semester. 

Following are the types of Academic Advisement provided by OUSA:

  1. Academic Planning & Course Selection
  2. Major/Minor Selection
  3. Transfer Advisement
  4. Vulnerable Advisement
  5. Early Alert Advisement
  6. Graduation Audit 

When requesting to meet with an advisor, specify what topics you wish to discuss to ensure that you are directed to the appropriate individual. If you are not sure where to seek advising, contact OUSA by sending an email to or walk-In the Office of Undergraduate Student Advising (OUSA-SDSB) @ Ground Floor SDSB Building, Room # G-0010.