
SDSB Advising Introduction

The Office of Undergraduate Student Advising (OUSA) is established in Suleman Dawood School of Business. The office envisages providing Intrusive, Prescriptive and Developmental Advising to undergraduate students of SDSB and to the undergraduate students from other schools who are aspiring to change to SDSB major.

The office aims at assisting students in developing their individual capacity and to learn and enrich their undergraduate experiences. Its core responsibility is to increase student’s satisfaction by making them adjust in the LUMS environment.

The office endeavor to maximize student retention, decrease withdrawal and promote success by involving them in their educational experiences. It also encourages and offer students the required support to alleviate feeling of isolation or disconnection from the university.

Career development and counseling services are also provided to the students by assisting them in developing a global career perspective and providing a road map to the future.