

Students are placed on Academic probation at the end of fall or spring semester when their Cumulative GPA is less than 2.00. Academic probation status is a warning that their academic progress is not satisfactory and that they should take steps to improve their academic performance to avoid separation from the university. Academic probation is an indication of very serious academic difficulty. Students on academic probation and warning are required to meet with the academic advisor for proper advisement and guidance.

In the start of each semester, students who are vulnerable (probation) because of poor performance in the last semester, advising office review those students and schedule advising appointments with them (starting from the students with lowest CGPA).

The students on probation will have 3 Meetings with the Academic Advisor in a semester as per the following schedule:

  1. First Meeting in the Drop Only Period

  2. Second Meeting in the Withdrawal Period
  3. Third Meeting before the next Term’s Enrollment

At the end of the next fall or spring semester of enrollment, one of the following actions will be taken for students on academic probation status:

  • Students will be separated if they fail to earn at least a 2.00 semester GPA. At the end of any spring semester.

  • Students will continue academic probation if they earn at least a 2.00 semester GPA but are subject to continued academic probation based on their cumulative GPA (over 75 credits-junior & senior year).

  • Students will be removed from probation if they earn at least a 2.00 semester GPA.


i. Probation Conditions for First Year Students:

If semester GPA in any semester falls below 2.00, regardless of the CGPA the student is advised (by respective department/faculty advisor) to take less semester workload. Such students will not be allowed to take more than 14 credit hours in the semester. In case of first year student, if the CGPA falls below 2.00 at the end of the Fall semester (first semester after admission), the student is placed on academic probation in the next regular semester, i.e., Spring semester. After the Spring semester, if CGPA remains below 2.00 then the student is separated from the academic program with immediate effect.” First Year students are not allowed to take the first semester off. If a First Year student while on probation takes the second semester off, s/he is placed on academic probation in the semester that s/he rejoins.

ii. Probation Conditions in the Subsequent Years at LUMS:

In the subsequent years, the probation period can be extended over a maximum of two regular semesters (Fall or Spring). Probation is extended for only one regular semester for students having a Probation Semester GPA equal to or more than 2.50 at the end of the first regular probation semester, while the CGPA is still below 2.00. If CGPA remains below 2.00 at the end of the second probation semester, the student is separated from the Program.


  • Students on probation are required to schedule a meeting with their academic advisor to complete the Preliminary Analysis Form.

  • It is Mandatory for the student on Probation to Meet with the Academic Advisor as per the Scheduled Session.