To the class of 2022: congratulations on getting accepted to one of the best institutions in Pakistan. I am originally from Multan but have grown attached to Lahore over the course of time. When I came here, I had no idea how much this institute would change the way I think and help me grow as a person.
The best thing I like about LUMS is that it gives you an opportunity to explore all fields and thus, enables you to make the best choice. My advice to the incoming batch: Don’t let this overwhelm you. Take your time to absorb...
I’m an ACF major along with a strong interest in Urdu Literature. Teaching is something I absolutely love and intend to pursue it in the future. I have remained a member of the ‘Teach for change’ department of LUMS Community Service Society.
I would describe myself as an extra-punctual person, who would come to classes way before the starting time but on the other hand, would delay all assignments until the very last day before the deadline. I have tried to explore as many different fields as possible during the last two years at LUMS and would highly...
Hi, folks! I will be one of your Peer Advisors for the upcoming year and will help you have a great year. As you await O-Week, I would like to encourage you to relish the feelings of excitement and nervousness that come with starting your university career. Be proud of how far you have come and grateful for being privileged enough to go to university. Be humble, learn as much as you can, and make lots of memories along the way. And remember to uphold the values of honesty and respect; being a good human being comes before being a good student. Good luck!
...From where you stand today, life seems unpredictable, uncertain, exciting, scary, and so many other adjectives. This is the end of an era, the beginning of another. You have hopes, dreams, ambition; you have expectations, fears, and apprehensions - there’s a lot going on in your head and it makes complete sense to feel a little overwhelmed. I know all this because not too long ago, I was in your position with the same thoughts going through my head. Life in LUMS wasn’t exactly a breeze for me in the beginning. Freshmen year was spent with a complete lack of...
Dear Freshmen, I am Hamza Hayat Khattak and I will be serving as your Peer Advisor for the academic year 2018-19. Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude and extend a warm welcome as you embark on this long yet enriching journey – a journey that you will cherish for the rest of your lives. I am currently a junior, majoring in Management Sciences but the memories of my O-week are still clear and vivid in my mind. LUMS, apart from academics, has been – and will always be - about self discovery! Through a constant process of self reformation throughout these...
Dear Class of 2022, Welcome, you guys. I’m supposed to have some advice for you.... but don’t listen to me, I’m an ACF major gone rogue!
Life is a magnificent spectacle of not knowing. Not knowing who you are, what you wanna do, where you wanna go. So my story goes, from wanting to be a ballerina at 8 years old, to an astronomer at 10, a writer at 12, a neuroscientist at 16, a CFO at 18, and an academic and philosopher now at 21. But the one thing that hasn’t changed over the years is that I never stopped believing. I never...