Manal Abdullah

Accounting & Finance Senior

Dear Class of 2022, Welcome, you guys. I’m supposed to have some advice for you.... but don’t listen to me, I’m an ACF major gone rogue!

Life is a magnificent spectacle of not knowing. Not knowing who you are, what you wanna do, where you wanna go. So my story goes, from wanting to be a ballerina at 8 years old, to an astronomer at 10, a writer at 12, a neuroscientist at 16, a CFO at 18, and an academic and philosopher now at 21. But the one thing that hasn’t changed over the years is that I never stopped believing. I never stopped dreaming. And, by God, I never stopped loving.

If there’s only advice I could give you, it would be this: fall in love. Fall madly in love with yourself. Fall profoundly in love with God. Fall hopelessly in love with life. Fall for LUMS, hook, line, and sinker. Fall for those February mornings at the khoka, and those December nights at the football field. Get smitten with your friends. Admire your professors. Have chai with a stranger. Have a thing for the good times, the bad, and the ugly. Dance with the sprinklers. Have a love affair with the banana bread from superstore. Find love on the window sill, in the masjid, in the free parking, or in the dorm room by yourself. Live for the grand 3 am escapades. Live for quaint 4 pm moments. Be spontaneous. Be patient. Stand by what you believe in. Chase your dreams. Make memories. Follow your heart.

If you fall out of love at night, then in the morning, fall in love all over again.