Zoha Waqas Aslam Malik

MGS Junior

Hello Friends! Congratulations, you are now a part of our LUMS family. Pat yourself on the back! I am Zoha Waqas, a junior majoring in Management Science at Suleman Dawood School of Business. I am super excited and happy to be the backpack and map (as we call it, PALss) to your Dora the Explorer journey at LUMS. Welcome aboard; fasten your seatbelts; this experience will be no less than that of an amusement park. If you have not tried the 360-degree discovery ride yet, do not worry; you will do it here xD. Transitioning from high school to university is not easy; you will feel overwhelmed, have tons of questions (trust me, it is completely normal), and sometimes you will find it challenging to navigate your way through things. Still, simultaneously you will feel exhilarated, which is one emotion you need to volume up; we, your PALss, will take care of the rest! LUMS has a lot to offer; you will find numerous routes to unlock your potential, no matter where you start, so do not be afraid, give every opportunity a shot, and learn! Every day at LUMS is a new ride to harness your skills, and in no time, you will realize how tremendously LUMS has transformed you personally and professionally. So, make the best use of the diversity and freedom to explore at LUMS and aspire to be a better version of yourself every day. A little about me, I love the word “creativity,” and I am always on a mission to try new things. So, if you make a fun random plan, you will find me there. I enjoy watching movies (let’s have a khokha table discussion on why yjhd and znmd are the best movies ever!), I like to bake (only in winters xD), and I love colors (let’s paint). LUMS life will train you to balance your academic and social life, as I learned with time, and now I am placed on the Dean’s Honor List (DHL) while holding directorate positions in multiple societies. Lastly, whenever you discover the reason as to why Bilal Khan wrote “mein doob raha bachanaaa” in LUMS (xD), remember that you got to be your life jacket, and I will be there for you, as your lifebuoy! See you guys soon! Till then, be kind, stay happy, stay safe, and enjoy! “If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun.”