Maha Imran Malik

MGS Senior

Welcome, Class of 2027!
I am Maha Imran Malik, a senior majoring in Management Sciences. Wow, 2027 almost feels unreal. First of all, congratulations on achieving one of the first milestones from the many more to come in your journey at LUMS. While my journey here is about to end, yours will begin, and let me say, 'You are in for a ride.' I can understand the multitude of emotions, the anxiety, and the nervousness of taking the next big step in your life. But I want you to remember that the uncertainty will soon fade, and you will find yourself calling this place your second home. You will find instructors that will become your mentors, friends that will help you understand core concepts, and spots on campuses that will become your comfort zones.

A little about myself as one of your PALs: I love cats. I was a part of three societies in LUMS and have now been promoted to the Executive Council of one. I came from a science background, so I initially had a hard time shifting to a business mindset. However, with time and by taking diverse courses, I have settled well in the business stream and really like it by far. Therefore, I can say that things do work out in due time.

My advice for you will be to believe in yourself, know your values and boundaries and stick to them no matter what, explore and capitalize on the opportunities that come your way, take courses from other schools and lastly just ENJOY!