Fatima Mazhar

MGS Junior

Hello Everyone,
First of all, a very big congratulations to each and every one of you for making it to LUMS. Give yourselves a pat on the back because you all deserve it for going through the rigorous selection process and landing here. With that, a very warm welcome to you in a place which you will be a part of for the next four years and a place you will all grow to love and cherish.
About me: I am Fatima, an MGS Junior (intending to minor in CS as well) and your PAL. Academically, my areas of interest are data analytics and data science. On a personal level, my interests are listening to music, eating, sketching (which I need to take more time out for), reading, photography (I will take your beautiful pictures any time) and watching Studio Ghibli movies. I am very extroverted, so I love meeting people and making new friends. I would love to meet you all and I assure you, you will be amused. I have been a part of two societies i.e., PhotoLUMS and Dramaline, in my LUMS journey and I am still a part of PhotoLUMS. It is a huge comfort of mine and I hope you guys can also explore the different societies at LUMS and find one where you feel you belong.
Welcome Advice: I can understand most of you must be scared or intimidated right now and trust me, it is very natural to feel so. I assure you no matter where you come from and who you are, you will find your place at LUMS. Always stay true to yourself and your identity. Healthy changes are always great but changing for the sake of fitting in is unnecessary. You will find your passion, your people and great company eventually, without changing and in this journey I and all the other PALs will ensure that you do not feel alone and transition into university life smoothly. Lastly, be open to new opportunities and adventures! There is so much to explore and so much to achieve. Do not shy away from trying something you have always wanted to and live each day to the fullest. Good luck!