Daniyal Nasir

ACF Senior

Hello Class of 2027!

Firstly, a heartfelt welcome to LUMS! I remember my first day just like it was yesterday – a blend of eagerness, curiosity, and a hint of those all-too-familiar first-day jitters. Fast forward to today, and as a rising senior majoring in Accounting and Finance, I can affirm that LUMS has transformed me in ways I hadn’t even imagined.

From diving deep into my interest in business strategy to participating in various societies and even becoming the Vice Captain of the Table Tennis team, LUMS has been a place of growth and discovery for me. This is my second time as a PAL, and with all the lessons, stories, and experiences from the past years, I'm doubly charged to help guide and support you.

At LUMS, you'll soon discover that every corner of this place resonates with warmth and camaraderie. From the seniors, who are ever so welcoming, to the late-night chit-chats at Khoka with friends that feel like family, there’s magic in the smallest of moments here. Looking back, these are the very moments that have made my time at LUMS so special. They've given me the comfort to lead various teams, indulge in my passions, and remain academically focused, all while enjoying the vibrant campus life.

University life is as much about growth and academics as it is about creating memories and connections. As you navigate this new phase, remember there’s a whole community here to support, inspire, and cheer you on. Dive into the myriad of opportunities that LUMS offers. Whether it's academics, sports, cultural societies, or entrepreneurial pursuits, there’s a niche for everyone. Engage, explore, and let yourself revel in every experience.

Here's to fresh starts, lasting memories, and the amazing journey ahead. Class of 2027, your LUMS story begins now!