Areej Razvi

ACF Junior

Dear Class of 2027,

Let me begin by extending my heartfelt congratulations to each and every one of you. Take a deep breath and be proud of yourself for making it to LUMS.
I am Areej Razvi, a junior currently enrolled in Accounting and Finance (ACF). Over the past two years at LUMS, I've actively engaged in several societies and gained invaluable experience from diverse internships. I'm now thrilled to take on the role of being your PAL. My interests predominantly revolve around two areas –traveling and fitness. Whenever I encounter a challenging day, my go-to remedy is an hour at the gym (and yes, there are many such days

It feels surreal to think I was in the same position as you guys a few years ago. I was scared about how my life will turn out to be, had fears and many doubts. However, two years later, it is safe to say that coming to LUMS was one of my best decisions. This place has molded me in more ways than I could imagine - be it sports, societies or extracurriculars. Trust me when I say this: LUMS is a place of infinite opportunities. The trick is to get out of your comfort zone. Do not be afraid to try new things; meet new people, explore new places, go on trips, and take courses that interest you. These four years are a fleeting moment, so make them count.
But let's be honest – this journey isn't all smooth sailing. Sleepless nights over assignments, and all-nighters for exams – they're part of the deal. Yet, there will also be moments when you will be sitting at khoka and sipping chai, ranting about your courses, crying over enrolment, making the most stupid jokes and suddenly life will seem worth it. Personally speaking, there have been semesters where I was awarded DHL, been on the top of my class, and given excellent presentations but there have also been times when I got the lowest score in class or did not get a course that I really wanted. What helped me get through is having a support group. Believe me, having a few close friends who can listen to you or console you will make your life 10x easier.

That being said, one of the most important pieces of advice I can give you is to relax, have fun and make memories. Most things you panic about will not even matter in the greater scheme of things. What is meant for you will find you always.

I am thrilled to serve as your peer advisor for the academic year 2023-2024. Please know I am here to support you through every step of your journey.