1. How do I find my advisor?
You can find your assigned advisor by logging into Zambeel and checking in Student Center.
If you need to talk to an academic advisor or if you’re not sure what kind of advising you need, you can discuss it with the academic advisor by scheduling appointment through email or by walk-in to the advising office.
2. How often should I see my advisor?
We highly encourage you to meet with your academic advisor at least once or twice a semester; once to help you plan your coursework, and once to explore and discuss bigger picture questions and goals. But remember, you can always reach out to your advisor more!
3. How do I schedule an appointment with my advisor?
There are two ways to schedule an appointment, one is online request through sending an email to ousa.sdsb@lums.edu.pk and the other is walk-in to the advising office.
4. Can I see more than one advisor?
Absolutely! you can see more than one advisor during your four years at LUMS depending upon the type of advisement you are requesting for.
You can seek help from them as per your need. If you need course specific or career related guidance you can schedule an appointment with the faculty advisor or if you need advisement regarding any other issue (academic or non academic) than contact your academic advisor.
5. Can my advisor help me graduate in four years?
Your advisor can support your efforts to graduate in four years by helping you monitor your progress and come up with a strategic academic plan. They can also give you some good tips, and help you problem solve any obstacles you run into.
If you haven't already, talk to your advisor about your graduation timeline, and make sure you make an informed decision based on your academic and career goals.
6. I’m having trouble choosing a major, who can I talk to?
If you have not declared a major yet, contact the advising office. The advisor is the one to help students with this exact question, and having conversations with your advisor about your goals and interests is a good place to get started.
7. Do I have to see my advisor before enrolling in courses?
In most cases, you are not required to see your advisor to enroll in courses, but we highly recommend it. Remember, advising is more than a check-in once a semester. It’s an opportunity for you to meet with your advisor, someone you can bounce ideas off and receive a professional perspective on your plans.
Your advisor can help you:
- Double-check your advisement report.
- Provide feedback or information if you have any academic concerns
8. Does my advisor pick out my classes for me?
No, your advisor will not pick out your classes or enroll for you. However, they will offer suggestions, clarify questions, and help you double check your schedule.
Your advisor is there to make sure you understand how to research your classes, read your advisement report, understand your requirements, know your options, and make effective decisions on your own. As a new student, this process may seem overwhelming at first, but your advisor is there to help you through it.
9. What kind of career advising or services are available on campus?
Career Services Office (CSO)
This office deals with the university student’s placement on internship as well as conduct recruitment drives and schedule interviews with employers. The other career related advisement is done either through Office of Undergraduate Student Advising SDSB (designated faculty advisors assigned for this purpose).
They offer:
• One-on-one career advising appointments
• Walk-in advising
• Career Development Workshops
• Resume and cover letter help
10. When should I see a career advisor?
We suggest you visit a career advisor at least once a year, but it might be more depending on what you need help with, and where you are in the exploration stage.
Career advisors can be a sounding board for your ideas, goals, or frustrations. They can also help you or find help with resumes, portfolios, interviews, job hunting, and internships.